1.次の英語を日本語に訳しなさい。 ※省略できる部分を( )で示しています
□(1)I have a friend who can play the piano.
□(2)He is a pianist (who is) loved all over the world.
□(3)The book (which) I read yesterday was very interesting.
□(4)This is the picture (which) she gave me.
□(5)This is the movie (which) I can never forget.
□(6)This is the bus which goes to City Hall.
□(7)He is a soccer player (that) everyone knows.
□(8)I want a camera (which was) made in Japan.
□(9)Is she a girl (who) you met in the library?
□(10)Is that cat which has long hair yours?
2.次の日本語を関係代名詞を使って英語に訳しなさい。また、省略できる部分を( )で示しなさい。
□(1)She has a friend who lives in Canada.
□(2)The man (who is) walking over there is my brother.
□(3)This is a letter (which was) written by Yuko.
□(4)I know the boy (who is) playing the guitar.
□(5)This is the car (which) he wants to buy.
□(6)This is a picture (which) I took in China.
□(7)This is a cake (which) my mother made.
□(8)This is a computer (which was) made in Japan.
□(9)I am reading a book (which was) written by Soseki.
□(10)I have a dog which can run very fast.