条件① 英文の語数は【400】語程度。
条件② 使用する語彙の難易度は、基礎単語【900】語レベルの初級英語。
条件③ 登場人物として鬼が出てくる感動的な話。
条件④ 物語にはタイトルをつけてください。
条件⑤ 物語のあとに、英問英答形式の問題を5題作成してください。正解も示してください。
Title: The Kind Oni
A long time ago, there was a kind oni (demon) named Taro. He lived in a dark forest far away from a village. Taro was different from other oni. Most oni were scary, but Taro was not scary. He wanted to help people, but no one knew this.
Every year, the villagers had a festival called Setsubun. During the festival, they threw beans to drive away the bad oni. People would say, “Out with the oni! In with good luck!” Taro felt sad every year because people did not know that he was a kind oni.
One year, a big storm hit the village. The storm destroyed many houses. The villagers did not know how to fix them in time for the cold winter. Taro heard them and wanted to help.
At night, Taro went into the village quietly. He used his strong hands to carry heavy stones and wood. By morning, all the houses were fixed. When the villagers woke up, they could not believe their eyes. “Who fixed the houses?” they asked.
On the day of Setsubun, the children did the usual thing. They threw beans and shouted, “Out with the oni!” Taro wanted to join them, but he stayed hidden in the forest. Then a little girl named Yuki decided to find him. She had heard about the kind oni who helped the village.
Yuki found Taro sitting by a tree. She was not afraid. “Why do you hide?” she asked. Taro looked at her sadly. “I am an oni. People think I am bad.”
Yuki smiled and said, “You are not bad. You helped us! You are a kind oni.”
Taro was surprised. He had never heard anyone call him kind before. Yuki held his hand and said, “Come with me! The villagers will be happy to see you.”
When Taro went to the village, the villagers were shocked. They had always been afraid of oni, but now they saw that Taro was good. From then on, Taro was no longer an enemy. He became a friend.
Each year after that, the villagers invited Taro to the Setsubun festival. The children would throw beans at the old, scary oni, but they threw flowers and candies for Taro. Taro was happy. He had found friends, and the villagers learned that Taro was not a bad oni.
1. What did Taro the oni want to do?
Taro wanted to help people.
2. Why did the villagers celebrate Setsubun?
They celebrated to drive away bad oni and bring good luck.
3. What happened to the village before Setsubun?
A big storm destroyed many houses.
4. How did Taro help the villagers?
Taro fixed the houses by carrying stones and wood.
5. What did Yuki do when she found Taro?
She told Taro he was a kind oni and took him to the village.
1. 鬼のタロウは何をしたかったですか?
2. 村人たちはなぜ節分を祝うのでしょうか?
3. 節分の前に村で何が起こったのでしょうか?
4. タロウはどのように村人たちを助けたのでしょうか?
5. ユキはタロウを見つけたとき、何をしましたか?

条件① 英文の語数は【400】語程度。
条件② 使用する語彙の難易度は、基礎単語【600】語レベルの初級英語。
条件③ 登場人物として鬼が出てくる感動的な話。
条件④ 物語にはタイトルをつけてください。
条件⑤ 物語のあとに、英問英答形式の問題を5題作成してください。正解も示してください。
Title: "The Gentle Oni"
In a small village, there was a kind boy named Kenta. He lived with his grandmother. They were poor, but they were happy. Kenta helped his grandmother every day. He worked in the field and brought water from the river.
One day, Kenta went to the forest to collect firewood. Suddenly, he saw a big, red Oni. The Oni had sharp teeth and long horns. Kenta was very scared. He wanted to run away, but the Oni spoke.
"Please don't run," the Oni said. "I will not hurt you."
Kenta was surprised. He asked, "Why are you here, Oni?"
The Oni looked sad. "I have no friends. Everyone is afraid of me because I am big and scary. But I am lonely."
Kenta thought for a moment. Then he smiled and said, "I can be your friend."
The Oni's eyes grew wide. "Really? You are not afraid of me?"
Kenta shook his head. "If you are kind, I am not afraid."
The Oni was very happy. He helped Kenta carry firewood back to the village. At first, the villagers were frightened. But Kenta explained, "This Oni is my friend. He is kind and gentle."
The Oni started to help the villagers. He carried heavy things and protected the village from wild animals. The villagers saw that the Oni was kind, and they were not afraid anymore.
One day, Kenta's grandmother became very sick. Kenta did not know what to do. The Oni said, "I know a special herb that can help. It grows on the top of a tall mountain. I will get it for you."
The Oni climbed the mountain. It was very hard, but he did not stop. Finally, he found the herb and brought it back. Kenta made medicine for his grandmother. Soon, she was healthy again.
The villagers were very thankful to the Oni. They gave him food and made clothes for him. The Oni was not lonely anymore. He had many friends.
From that day, the Oni lived in the village. He was happy, and so were the villagers. Kenta and the Oni stayed best friends forever.
1. Why did Kenta go to the forest?
Answer: To collect firewood.
2. What did the Oni say when Kenta wanted to run away?
Answer: "Please don't run. I will not hurt you."
3. Why was the Oni sad?
Answer: Because he had no friends and was lonely.
4. What did the Oni do to help Kenta's grandmother?
Answer: He climbed a tall mountain to get a special herb.
5. How did the villagers feel about the Oni at the end of the story?
Answer: They were thankful and became his friends.

ちなみに問題形式は、「True or False形式」や「空欄補充形式」の指定も可能です。
条件⑤ 物語のあとに、【True or False形式】の問題を【2】題作成してください。
条件⑤ 物語のあとに、【空欄補充形式】の問題を【2】題作成してください。
条件⑤ 物語のあとに、【いくつかの英文から物語の内容に合う記述を選択する形式】の問題を【2】題作成してください。
条件① 英文の語数は【300】語程度。
条件② 使用する語彙の難易度は、基礎単語【300】語レベルの超初級英語。
条件③ 登場人物としてたくさんの鬼とカッパが出てくる感動的な話。
条件④ 物語にはタイトルをつけてください。
条件⑤ 物語のあとに、英問英答形式の問題を5題作成してください。正解も示してください。
Title: The Friendship of Oni and Kappa
Once upon a time, in a small village, there were many oni and kappa. The oni were strong and scary, but they had kind hearts. The kappa were small and loved water, but they were very clever.
One day, the village had a big problem. There was no rain for many months, and the crops were dying. The villagers were very sad and worried. They needed water to grow their food.
The oni and kappa wanted to help. The oni tried to dig a big hole to find water, but they were not successful. The kappa tried to bring water from the river, but it was not enough.
Then, a young kappa named Kiko had an idea. "Let's work together," she said. "Oni are strong, and kappa are clever. Together, we can find a way to bring water to the village."
The oni and kappa agreed. The oni dug a big hole, and the kappa used their cleverness to find a way to bring water from the river to the hole. They made a long canal, and soon, water flowed into the village.
The villagers were very happy. They thanked the oni and kappa for their help. The crops grew, and there was enough food for everyone.
From that day on, the oni and kappa became great friends. They learned that by working together, they could solve any problem. The village was peaceful and happy, and everyone celebrated Setsubun with joy.
1. What was the big problem in the village?
Answer: There was no rain, and the crops were dying.
2. Who had the idea to work together?
Answer: A young kappa named Kiko.
3. What did the oni do to help?
Answer: The oni dug a big hole.
4. How did the kappa help bring water to the village?
Answer: The kappa used their cleverness to make a canal from the river to the hole.
5. What did the villagers do to thank the oni and kappa?
Answer: They thanked them and celebrated Setsubun with joy.
I hope this story and the questions are helpful for your special Setsubun lesson! If you need any more assistance, feel free to ask.

ローマ字で、ONI MONOGATARI SHU(鬼物語集)とありますね。その上部の漢字のような文字は、もしかしてオニ語なのでしょうか。いい雰囲気を醸し出しています。
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